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Making STEM Creative


13:30, 23 April GMT

About this Masterclass

STEM subjects are often not seen as ‘creative’, but with the advances in visual technology, AI, and web design, this is just not true! Many companies have their own in-house team responsible for the UX (user experience) of their websites and who make sure any print media produced fits with the overall brand of the organisation. James Hobbs, Head of Technology at Aer Studios, Bath and a recent recipient of the British Interactive Media Association’s Top 100, is the Head of Technology at Aer, a digital design and technology company based in Box. Aer works on striking visual advertising and design for companies nationally and has created brand awareness for a range of tech companies.
Date and TimeWednesday, 23 April13:30 - 14:00, GMTLocationOnline Event

Chris H.


About Me

I am the Regional Coordinator for F4S for Bristol, Bath, Swindon, Wiltshire and Somerset. I graduated from Nottingham Trent in 2008, before completing my PGCE in 2012. I was a tea...


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